Victorian Memorial

Located on Southbank Promenade, next to the Yarra River to "remember those thousands of children who were separated from their families and grew up or spent time in Victorian orphanages, children’s homes and foster homes last century."

SA Memorial

Located in Peace Park, corner of Sir Edwin Smith Avenue and Brougham Place, "In honour of children who suffered abuse in institutional and out of home care."

NSW Memorial

Located in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens to "remember the many thousands of NSW children who grew up in care in the decades leading up to the 1990s – in orphanages, in Children’s Homes and foster homes, in institutions". It recognises the "courage and strength" of "the lonely, the frightened, the lost, the abused – those who never knew the joy of a loving family, who suffered too often at the hands of a system meant to provide for their safety and wellbeing".

The Leaving of Liverpool

TV mini-series broadcast over three evenings on the ABC in Australia, and the BBC in the UK. It tells the story of children forced to migrate from the UK to Australia in the 1950s, and their experiences in institutions. It was a widely-viewed show that helped entrench the experiences of child migrants in the popular consciousness.