NSW Inquiry into Adoption Practices
Known as the “Releasing the Past” report, the NSW Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Issues led an inquiry into adoption practices in between 1950 and 1998. It focussed on the experiences of children who were adopted and, significantly, on the experiences of mothers who lost children.
National Forced Adoption Inquiry
The Australian Senate’s Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into “Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices,” followed earlier reports such as the New South Wales Report into Adoption Practices (2000), which had highlighted and documented the terminology of ‘forced adoption’.
Victorian Forced Adoption Apology
The Victorian Parliament issued an official apology, to “the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters who were profoundly harmed by past adoption practices in Victoria.”
National Forced Adoption Apology
Prime Minister Julia Gillard delivered a public apology on behalf of the Australian Government to people affected by forced adoption or removal practices and policies in Australia.
Victorian Forced Adoption Inquiry
The Victorian Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee prepared and presented a report on their “Inquiry into responses to historical forced adoptions in Victoria”. It made 56 recommendations related to acknowledgement of harms, redress, records and legislative reform.