Moseley Royal Commission (WA)
The Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Investigate, Report, and Advise Upon Matters in Relation to the Condition and Treatment of Aborigines is commonly known as the Moseley Royal Commission after its Chair, Dr H.D. Mosely. In 1934, the Native Union and allies presented a range of issues, including forced removal of children, to the British Commonwealth League Conference in London. This triggered criticism in Britain about WA's treatment of Aboriginal people, which played a role in instigating the Mosely report. While Moseley noted the cruelty of forcible removal, he ultimately rejected calls for change. (See Anna Haebich, “Forgetting Indigenous Histories: Cases from the Histories of Australia’s Stolen Generations”, Journal of Social History, 2011, Vol.44, No.4, p. 1038.)
Redress WA
A $114 million scheme implemented by the Western Australian (WA) government with an aim to “provide a means of redress for all victims of abuse in State Care, including those whose claims would be otherwise statute barred, that is less combative, more practical … and focussed on assisting victims with the healing process.” (WA Cabinet, 3 December 2007). A total of 5,917 applications were received over the life of the program.
Telling Our Story
The “Telling Our Story” report compiles dozens of the stories told by Aboriginal Western Australians to the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (ALSWA). At this time, ALSWA was advocating for a national Royal Commission into Aboriginal child removal from families. It was the first time that stories of WA Aboriginal individuals and families that would come to be known as Stolen Generations. The initiative was led by the CEO of ALSWA, Rob Riley, a former inmate at Sister Kate’s Home. Reference "Bringing Them Home the ALSWA Way"
Tuart Place (WA)
Tuart Place traces its history to 2007 with the establishment of Forgotten Australians Coming Together (FACT) in Perth. Led by a group of Care Leavers, FACT was intended to provide a ‘drop-in centre’ for people who had experienced out-of-home care as children. In 2012 FACT became the governing body for the newly formed Tuart Place, based on services designed by Care Leavers and specialists. Former Bindoon Orphanage resident Laurie Humphreys was instrumental in its establishment.
WA Memorial
Located on James Street, Perth, in the grassed area in front of the WA Museum. The memorial "is jointly funded by the Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments and is dedicated to all Western Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children."
The Native Union (WA)
The Native Union was formed by Aboriginal activists in WA, led by William Harris. Its aim was “to secure equality for Aborigines in all spheres of West Australian cultural and social life”, through the establishment of cultural centres with educational facilities in metropolitan and country areas.
The Leaving of Liverpool
TV mini-series broadcast over three evenings on the ABC in Australia, and the BBC in the UK. It tells the story of children forced to migrate from the UK to Australia in the 1950s, and their experiences in institutions. It was a widely-viewed show that helped entrench the experiences of child migrants in the popular consciousness.