Australian Orphanage Museum

Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) manages and operates the Australian Orphanage Museum in Geelong, Victoria. It opened on 1 April 2023.


The Alliance for Forgotten Australians aims to promote recognition for people who experienced institutional or other out-of-home care as children and young people. The organisation takes its name from the 2004 Forgotten Australians Senate Report.

Bringing Them Home Report

A critically important text that paved the way for recognition of the Stolen Generations - the thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children removed from their families over generations of colonisation in Australia. It was written by the Australian Human Rights Commission as the Final Report of the “National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families”, which was the culmination of many years of advocacy by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activists and survivors.

Who Am I?

A Victorian-based research project that focussed on recordkeeping and archiving practices for people who experienced out-of-home care as children. It developed the web resource known as Pathways, which was later expanded to have a national scope and became the Find & Connect web resource.